the cat

Our mission

Democratize advertising by enabling everyone to advocate the brands they love through a community-driven advertisement marketplace.

the cat

Our mission

Democratize advertising by enabling everyone to advocate the brands they love through a community-driven advertisement marketplace.

About Veeh

Veeh is an online marketplace that connects advertisers with easily noticeable spaces at local businesses. Business owners can get paid for sharing existing yet unused spaces for advertising. Advertisers can get their ad up and running in places where locals shop, eat, and play.

Our goal is help communities be informed about relevant information at the right time and at the right place. Out-of-home (OOH) advertising shouldn't be about casting a wide net. We believe bringing local communities and brands together creates a unique recipe for genuine and hyper-targeted marketing. Veeh can not only enable brands to become integral part of local communities but also create new ways for local businesses to earn extra income while supporting brands they believe in.