the cat

Earn money with your unused space

List your space for advertising and start earning

the cat

Earn money with your unused space

List your space for advertising and start earning

Why list spaces on Veeh?

Earn income with your existing unused spaces

Put your space to work

Do you have extra space on your business's walls, tables, and screens? Veeh lets you earn money through spaces you thought weren't worth anything.

Earn extra money

Everyone can use some extra income, especially when it's passive income. All you have to do is display advertisements you feel comfortable sharing.

List for free, start earning

There are no upfront costs in listing your space. Let us know about your available spaces and Veeh will take care of the rest. It's that simple.

How it works

1. Create your listing

It’s free and easy to create a listing on Veeh. Describe your space and audience, add photos, and name your price.

2. Display advertising

When we have an interested advertiser, we'll ask for your approval. Once approved, we'll come and install the ad.

3. Get paid

Upon installation of the ad your are paid on a monthly basis minus a small service fee.

Here are some examples

Just to give you an idea how easy it is

Wall Posters & Banners

Put your empty walls inside your hallways and bathrooms to work by hanging ad posters or banners.

Clings & Decals

Catch both of your customers' and pedestrians' attention as they enter or walk by the ads.

Table Tents & Coasters

Most temporary but intimate method is to place small table tents and coasters with ads on your tables.